Monday, November 28, 2011

Site and address

So I have been at site now for a couple weeks, just trying to figure out my way around the village and setting up my new house. My house is pretty nice, though with a few kinks like no running water (except at 3 am in the morning), an empty gas canister meaning I cant cook on the stove, and a tree that has grown through the outer piping for my toilet which leads to leakage in my bathroom everytime I flush (that being when I can). But no big deal…all of this will be fixed at some point, not to mention it’s the life of a Peace Corps volunteer. I do have 2 bedrooms, so regardless of all of this I expect visitors..haha. On the really positive end, I have super helpful neighbors who have already offered to help me in many ways, a lot of kids who have taken to calling me “Auntie Neo”, and a prime location. I live about a 10 minute walk from the “mall” which is really the equivalent to a shopping center in the states but it has pretty much all I will need and about 15 minutes from my office. All in all I really like my house and its location and look forward to making it my new home for the next 2 years.

Now that I am settled or at least working towards being so I would love to hear from everyone in the form of phone calls, letters, and packages. I will post a wishlist on my blog soon for those of you who feel inclined to send a package, but packages are not necessary, I would just love to hear from everyone. I do have one request that if you send me something please include something that I can hang up on my wall for decoration (my bare walls are in dire need). It can be super simple like pictures, drawings, post cards, a quote, or something utterly ridiculous that you know will make me laugh. I would sincerely appreciate it (and I am sure so would any visitors I have to my home). In addition, I have added an email update option on the right hand side of my blog so that you can receive email updates whenever I post something new on my blog.

My address is the following:

Danielle Tuft c/o Kagisano Womens Shelter
P/Bag X046
Gaborone, Botswana

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